I was a guest singer for an all female stand-up comedy show called "Cougars & Kittens". I should have known what I was in for because I have rarely had any good experiences with events or classes held at The Complex Theatre. I'm sorry to say... no, I'm not.
Anyway, there were only a handful of guests that showed up, so the majority of the people in the seats were performing. It's all good. Every now and then, you'll perform for an empty house. It happens. You chalk it up to good practice. Ok, whatever.
Some of the comedians were off the chain, some just appeared to be off their meds. One of these broads from Boston starts going off on an angry tangent and throws in a line saying: "I don't understand these woman out here giving up the pussy like fuckin' free mints at a chink restaurant." She could have said "Chinese". She decided to say "chink". Ok, whatever.
After intermission, I get up to perform a song to rev up the energy in the room again. I do my thang, get off the stage and the emcee says: "How bout another round of applause for Miley Fried Rice." Not ok. Not whatever. Hell fucking no. All I could think was this is it -- this is how I'm going to end up on the news... for killing this bitch. Even the other comedians were looking at me like: "She really went there?"
The only reason why she wasn't calling out any of the black performers was because she was afraid of retaliation. Instead she decided to talk smack about the little Asian girl who she was sure wasn't going to do anything. Damn it all to hell, I wish I did. Fuck trying to be
nice to people like that. Fuck trying to be
civil in a forum like that. You think you're so damn funny? If y'all want to be raw. Let's be RAW. You keep pushing me, don't think for a second that I won't push back, bitch. I don't like to get ugly like that, but I will if I have to now. There's only so many times you can deal with people walking all over you before you learn to stand your ground and say "No more. I'm over this shit!"
You wanna know the fastest way to get on my shit list? Be a white uppity asshole saying some ignorant comments like that. That mess will get you there right quick.